Customizable and advanced Features:
- Simple search
- Custom /advanced search
- Modular, Plug-in based architecture
- Scheduling crawler
- URLs filters
- Arabic pages filter
- Parse plain text and files
- Relevancy Ranking
- Web graph scoring
- Highlighting
- More from site
- Result pagination
- Using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT)
- Search in terms related to the search words linguistically
- Alerts feature
- Personalization
- Meta tags parsing
- Exclude part of page from index
- Faceted search
- Several caches for faster query responses
- Replication and dynamic clustering support
- A simple web based administration GUI to configure the system easily
- Logging the user search activities, to be used in analysis of the system
- Search results ranking customization, to order results on custom requirements
- Multi view for the results using multiple XSL
- Return the result as XML to be used by a 3rd party application easily
- Ability to add more than one index and make each index has specific features
Arabic language tools:
- Stemmer
- Rooter
- Spellchecker
- Search with derivatives
- Search with synonymous and thesaurus
- Arabic dictionaries
- Auto Linking
- Auto complete
- Finding related articles
- Auto suggestion
User Research and Analysis
Ensuring your user requirements are met is very critical for your product or website success. Our research methods will quickly uncover what your users actually need. Remember, what users say they want, and what they actually want are mostly different things. We use methods like card-sorts, questionnaires, surveys, and ethnographic techniques to uncover unspoken user needs. We also use usability testing to validate against set business goals and usability metrics.
- User Research Study Report - Card sort to guide information architecture - Personas - Usability test report
Information Architecture
Information Architecture is the art and science of categorizing information of your product or website in a way that is understood easily by users. Research techniques like card sorts are used to define classification of content categories easily to be understandable by end users. Interaction Design, we use best practices gained from years of research and interaction with the industry to come up with interaction design patterns that are usable, innovative, and help users achieve their goals.
- Sitemap - Wireframes - Taxonomies - Labeling schemas - Controlled vocabularies - Interaction Patterns - Prototypes
Visual & Interface Design
Visual design is used to artistically design a site, product, or App. Elements of the interface are carefully designed to create an aesthetic product without compromising the usability. Effective use of whitespace, and using distinct elements with proper affordances are used to guide the user on the function. A successful visual design does not take away from the content on the page or function. Instead, it enhances it by engaging users and helping to build trust and interest in the website of the product.
- Visual Design Mockups - Microsites - Ad- Banners - Style Guides
Front end and accessible development
Standards-based and accessible code goes a long way to ensure that the end product is usable and behaves as intended. We have strong expertise is w3c standards.
- Interactive prototypes - Front end accessible code - Interactive Animations
1. Collecting and storing Twitter data:
The data collecting admin is responsible for collecting a large amount of data from Twitter. The collected data then are used as seeds for different statistics and processing activities. We used the standard Twitter APIs (streaming APIs and REST APIs) in collecting and storing activates. Data retrieval admin has been built as dynamic as possible so we can collect tweets based on specific keywords, hashtags, users or events.
2. Reporting:
The reporting part is a complete web tool which provides insight to different statistics and information in a form of visual reports which can be gathered from the collected tweets:
3. Monitoring:
The Monitoring part is a complete web tool which enables the user to monitor specific actions, events, keywords, hashtags and users, by building his alert criteria according to his needs.
4. Hashtag life cycle:
The hashtag life cycle reports give the user the ability to monitor and track the history and statistics information of a specific hashtag.
5. Trending:
The trending reports give the user the ability to monitor top trends not only for one day as Twitter provides, but also for a previous time interval by using the huge amount of data we maintain in our storage systems.
6. Sentiment Analysis:
In the sentiment analysis section, users can get the sentiment of the people with respect to a specific topic and classify it into three main groups (positive, negative and neutral). The classification process can be obtained from three main tabs which differ from each other by the technology used in the classification. Zarqa Al Yamama uses three main ways to classify tweets based on their sentiment as follows:
- Simple search
- Custom /advanced search
- Modular, Plug-in based architecture
- Scheduling crawler
- URLs filters
- Arabic pages filter
- Parse plain text and files
- Relevancy Ranking
- Web graph scoring
- Highlighting
- More from site
- Result pagination
- Using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT)
- Search in terms related to the search words linguistically
- Alerts feature
- Personalization
- Meta tags parsing
- Exclude part of page from index
- Faceted search
- Several caches for faster query responses
- Replication and dynamic clustering support
- A simple web based administration GUI to configure the system easily
- Logging the user search activities, to be used in analysis of the system.
- Search results ranking customization, to order results on custom requirements
- Multi view for the results using multiple XSL
- Return the result as XML to be used by a 3rd party application easily
- Ability to add more than one index and make each index has specific features
Arabic language tools:
- Stemmer
- Rooter
- Spellchecker
- Search with derivatives
- Search with synonymous and thesaurus
- Arabic dictionaries
- Auto Linking
- Auto complete
- Finding related articles
- Auto suggestion