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Al Kashaf features include:

- Easily create and manage reports according to specific criteria and data structures.
- Provide graphical representation of multiple formats of all the reports needed.
- Display dashboards that illustrate outcomes according to different user privileges which help continuous follow-up and evaluation of the daily performance.
- Provide individual efforts, productivity and performance compared to other employees on periods of time.
- Provide the ability to monitor all the workflow steps needed to author or publish content from any type of materials such as photos, videos, audios, documents, and articles.
- It calculates the time required to finalize all the processes so that the management can find out the daily, monthly, or yearly outputs, reports based on general or specific actions.


Al Kashaf Benefits

- Motivation and self- control: modern studies have shown that individual employee productivity increases when generally placed under control as it increases the presence of the competition factor between individuals.
- Individual Capacity: one of the main factors that give the employee job satisfaction is to note and appreciate his /her effort, this system lets managers note the capabilities of staff.
- Assist in the evaluation processes: the solution shows individual productivity which helps facilitate correct and precise evaluation done by the managers.
- Transparency: the solution provides transparency between employees and managers.
- Assist in decision-making processes : provides a full and detailed information on the performance and productivity to give managers best way to make decisions.
- Reduce error rates: when there is a control system error rates are reduced to the lowest level and self-supervision by employees rises.





We help organizations understand and plan for their business automation requirements, then we design, implement and support end-to-end solutions



1. Rich Content Creation and Publishing:

Horizons Knowledge Server makes it possible to publish content in various media formats including the web, enterprise intranets and extranets, wireless devices (using the WAP technology), and Pocket PCs. The system was designed to provide core support for the Arabic language using standard Unicode technology. Both the system interface and the end pages provide full support for Arabic and other languages. These features make iHorizons Knowledge Server popular with some of the largest Arabic media organizations, which have chosen iHorizons Knowledge Server to power their portals.

2. Advanced Information Architecture:

iHorizons Knowledge Server is powered by the most advanced Internet and information architecture technologies. By separating the presentation layer (using flexible templates and themes) from the content layer (using XML and relational databases), the system allows the highest degree of flexibility in terms of layout design and redesign and for an infinite number of delivery media (Web, WAP, Pocket PC, Printers, etc.), including future media types that are not available today. This architecture also enables organizations to maximize the value of their content by resourcing and syndicating it with other entities for mutual benefits or set fees.

3. A Comprehensive Approach:

The extent of tools that iHorizons Knowledge Server provides makes it an ideal solution for several business applications, including: Web Publishing: for news and content portals

eCommerce: virtual storefronts and content syndication
eBusiness: enterprise portals and partner extranets
Interactive Communities: live voting and discussion groups
Online Education: distance learning and web-based training

4. Unique Functionality:

The features mentioned above are only part of what makes this system comprehensive and unique. Some of the other features include:

Support for rich content (text, images, audio/video, files)
Advanced workflow and role task assignment and tracking
Real-time content synchronization
One-click publishing
Easy content retrieval and updating
Thin client, browser-based interface: system accessible anytime anywhere in the world industry stan
Rich text composing and editing tools
Version control
Content syndication and capturing using industry standard News ML


Al, Race, Al Raya, Qatar Foreign Information Agency and Qatar National Olympic Committee,

Start now and become part of the global eBusiness revolution. Manage and deploy your high-value content using iHorizons Knowledge Server and expand your services to reach the world.
